
sitemessage toolbox exposes some commonly used functions.

Defining message recipients

sitemessage.toolbox.recipients allows to define message recipients for various messengers, so that they could be passed into message scheduling functions:

from sitemessage.toolbox import recipients
from sitemessage.messengers.smtp import SMTPMessenger
from sitemessage.messengers.xmpp import XMPPSleekMessenger

# The first argument could be Messenger alias:
my_smtp_recipients = recipients('smtp', ['', '']),

# or a Messenger class itself:
my_jabber_recipients = recipients(XMPPSleekMessenger, ['', '']),

# Second arguments accepts either Django User model instance or an actual address:
user1_model = ...
my_smtp_recipients = recipients(SMTPMessenger, [user1_model, ''])

# You can also merge recipients from several messengers:
my_recipients = my_smtp_recipients + my_jabber_recipients

Scheduling messages

sitemessage.toolbox.schedule_messages is a generic tool to schedule messages:

from sitemessage.toolbox import schedule_messages, recipients
# Let's import a built-in message type class we'll use.
from sitemessage.messages import EmailHtmlMessage

    # You can pass one or several message objects:
        # The first param of this Message Type is `subject`. The second may be either an html itself:
        EmailHtmlMessage('Message subject 1', '<html><head></head><body>Some <b>text</b></body></html>'),

        # or a dictionary
        EmailHtmlMessage('Message subject 2', {'title': 'My message', 'entry': 'Some text.'}),

        # NOTE: Different Message Types may expect different arguments.

    # The same applies to recipients: add one or many as required:
    recipients('smtp', ['', '']),

    # It's useful sometimes to know message sender in terms of Django users:

Sending test messages

When your messengers are configured you can try and send a test message using sitemessage_probe management command:

./ sitemessage_probe smtp --to

Or you can use sitemessage.toolbox.send_test_message function:

from sitemessage.toolbox import send_test_message

send_test_message('smtp', to='')

Sending messages

Scheduled messages are normally sent with the help of sitemessage_send_scheduled management command, that could be issued from wherever you like (cron, Celery, etc.):

./ sitemessage_send_scheduled

Nevertheless you can directly use sitemessage.toolbox.send_scheduled_messages from sitemessage toolbox:

from sitemessage.toolbox import send_scheduled_messages

# Note that this might eventually raise UnknownMessengerError, UnknownMessageTypeError exceptions.

# Or if you do not want sitemessage exceptions to be raised (that way scheduled messages
# with unknown message types or for which messengers are not configured won't be sent):
send_scheduled_messages(ignore_unknown_messengers=True, ignore_unknown_message_types=True)

# To send only messages of a certain priority use `priority` argument.

Cleanup sent messages and dispatches

You can delete sent dispatches and message from DB using sitemessage_cleanup:

./ sitemessage_cleanup --ago 5

Or you can use sitemessage.toolbox.cleanup_sent_messages from sitemessage toolbox:

from sitemessage.toolbox import cleanup_sent_messages

# Remove all dispatches (but not messages) 5 days old.
cleanup_sent_messages(ago=5, dispatches_only=True)

# Delete all sent messages and dispatches.

Use sitemessage to send Django-generated e-mails

In of your project set EMAIL_BACKEND to a backend shipped with sitemessage.

EMAIL_BACKEND = 'sitemessage.backends.EmailBackend'

After that Django’s send_mail() function will schedule e-mails using sitemessage machinery.